Vitalis for rainbow trout


  • Healthier broodstock
  • Improved fecundity
  • High egg quality and survival

Broodstock nutrition has a profound influence on the quantity, quality and performance of the offspring. Vitalis provides the ultimate package, containing the complete balance of essential nutrients to ensure optimal sperm and egg development while providing sufficient energy to aid transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding in the larvae.

Optimal broodfish nutrition aims to maximise the number and quality of offspring. The nutritional requirements of broodfish not only prescribe their ability to spawn but also determine the quality of the eggs and yolksac fry. Good quality eggs and larvae are defined as those with the highest survival and performance characteristics.

Rainbow trout

Our services

AquaSim Christoffer


Over the course of the last 20 years, we have established a comprehensive portfolio of models for the large number of species that we supply feeds for. Each Skretting diet has a unique FCR model, based on research done by Skretting Acuaculture Research Centre (ARC), which tests all raw materials and diets both in the lab and under field conditions. Combining biology, quality and economics, the robust set of innovative AquaSim management tools give qualified references through which aquaculture farmers can calculate expected farm performance.

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Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an accurate and rapid analysis method that is well suited for quantitative determination of nutrients in feed ingredients and feed. NIR instruments are installed at every Skretting plant worldwide and provide rapid, accurate analyses of feed ingredients, intermediate products and finished feeds.

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Tracking and tracing illustration

How we work with transparency and trust

For us in Skretting, it's essential to increase the transparency and traceability of food production along the supply chain. Our feed to food quality and safety system ensures that our customers and end consumers can have full confidence with regard to our feeds. Combining the latest technology and science with the dedication of our staff to produce the highest quality feed, we do our utmost to ensure that our business operations adhere to our own strict environmental guidelines. 

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