Shield - Preventive diet to mitigate parasite infestation

Shield - Preventive diet to mitigate parasite infestation

Shield is a functional diet focused on preventing parasite loads and mitigating the effects of parasites. It protects intestinal health against internal parasitosis and, in addition to this, its formula helps the fish to fight ectoparasites that affect the gills.

  • Shield is a functional diet focused on preventing parasite loads and mitigating the effects of parasites. It protects intestinal health against internal parasitosis and, in addition to this, its formula helps the fish to fight ectoparasites that affect the gills.

Through this document, we would like to remind farmers about the importance of nutritional prevention to face health problems.

The use of functional diets must be part of a holistic strategy that takes into account disease monitoring, proper facility management and the application of best farming practices. Only in this way, the fish will be prepared to cope with the challenges of health, management and environment.

In the Mediterranean, production is subjected to seasonal variations, which have been associated with higher levels of parasite infection. For example, sea bream usually tends to record higher parasite loads by the monogenean Sparicotyle chrysophrii during spring and early summer.

This functional diet focuses on improving intestinal and gill defenses, particularly against infestation by certain parasites.

It should be reminded that Shield was initially developed with in vitro tests, then several trials were performed on gilthead seabream under controlled conditions and, finally, it was tested and validated on this same species, through a series of field tests performed under industrial conditions, resulting in the current version of the product.

However, although all experimental and field trials were performed on sea bream, Shield is also being tested on other species with promising results.

As a preventive diet and based on the results of field trials, we can say that the diet is more effective when the initial parasite load in the fish is low or non-existent.

Shield, based on its prebiotic effect and short-chain fatty acid content, promotes the growth and activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria and thus improves intestinal function. Shield is aimed at the prevention of intestinal parasites, mainly Enteromyxosis, and gill parasitosis caused by monogeneans such as Sparicotyle chrysophrii.

As a preventive diet and based on the results of field trials, we can say that the diet is more effective when the initial parasite load in the fish is low or non-existent.

Therefore, Skretting recommends feeding Shield from the moment when fish are introduced in the cages, mainly in those farms with a historical risk of parasite problems or in bigger fish, after having performed a bathing therapy.

Our recommendation is the continuous feeding, starting 4 to 6 weeks before the infestation risk period until the critical period has been solved.

Skretting reflects its firm commitment to prevention, consolidated in its Protec and Shield functional products, which are the result of ongoing research carried out at its Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC) in Stavanger, Norway.