Nutra RC-R
Nutra RC is used in recirculation systems, but also has benefits for flow through hatcheries by producing larger faecal matter making it easier to filter and remove solid waste particles.
Skretting has consistently developed innovative products and solutions that, over time, have evolved into production standards. Skretting feeds wholly meet the nutritional requirements of fish and shrimp throughout their lifecycle. Below, you can find a selection of our global product portfolio.
Nutra RC is used in recirculation systems, but also has benefits for flow through hatcheries by producing larger faecal matter making it easier to filter and remove solid waste particles.
Nutra Supreme-RC is used 6 weeks in the hatchery prior to seawater transfer to physiologically support smolt to better handle the transition to seawater. The use of Nutra Supreme-RC should be followed by 6 weeks of Spirit Supreme in the sea to ensure the full benefit of the Supreme concept is realised.
Orient is a standard energy feed for use during winter growing conditions.
Orient HT is used after temperatures reach 15°C to maintain salmonid growth performance during summer conditions.
Orient Plus is used after the Orient Supreme to continue the advantages gained during the smolt transfer phase to achieve the fastest growth to 1kg.
Orient Premium achieves superior fish growth during optimal growing conditions. Metabolic activators increase a salmon's ability to utilise digestible energy more efficiently which results in lower feed conversion and higher filler yield.
Orient Premium HT is used during the shoulder period of summer. Designed to achieve superior growth and low feed conversion at water temperatures from 15°C until severe summer conditions set in.
Seawater transfer feed that supports fish post transfer and promotes earlier feed response