On October 20, in a free webinar open to all audiences, the collaborative initiative led by AquaGen, Blumar, Camanchaca, Centrovet, Cermaq, Pharmaq and Skretting will launch a good practice manual for the industry.
Pincoy Project launches good practice manual

The members of the Pincoy Project – an initiative created in 2016 to reduce the use of antibiotics in the Chilean salmon farming industry by implementing high sanitary and animal welfare standards plus operational excellence throughout all the productive chain - will hold a webinar in order to introduce its good practice manual that will be available to the Chilean industry. The manual introduces a series of practices that are possible to carry out throughout the production salmon cycle, from the egg to the growing stages in seawater, with the purpose of contributing towards sustainable growth of the salmon industry through improving fish health and welfare standards.
“The good practice manual has been a great collaborative effort of a large group of specialists of the highest quality from the seven companies that take part in Pincoy, in order to share with the industry their experience and know-how. This manual will be available to the whole salmon industry and we hope it will help as a guide for educational and research organisations, and the general community, interested in developing salmon farming in a responsible and sustainable way”, said Alexander Jaramillo, Project Coordinator Pincoy.
This launch event will also feature talks from international speakers addressing production trends of the salmon industry worldwide. To register visit the following website: http://www.centrodeeventosvirtual.cl/pincoy/register.php