
  • Formulated to maintain water quality
  • High energy for growth promotion
  • AminoBalanceTM technology

Orient LP is a high-quality, medium-energy diet suitable for trout and arctic char. Orient LP specifically developed for farming in areas with environmental restrictions. This specific formulation, with highly digestible, low-phosphorous ingredients, has been proven to significantly reduce nutrient loading to the environment.

  • The choice of raw materials provides a diet with minimum environmental impact: low phosphorous and low BOD.
  • IPSFAD trials on Rainbow Trout confirm that Orient LP produces the lowest phosphorous waste (g/kg fish produced) of any feed produced in North America, allowing for increased production within environmental limits.
  • Orient LP is based upon the latest in trout nutrition from Skretting's Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC).
  • Orient LP is formulated based on AminoBalance.
  • Orient LP is produced via our hot extrusion process that gelatinises the starch, resulting in a more digestible and durable pellet for excellent faeces stability and improved water quality.
  • Orient LP is available in a wide range of pellet sizes to meet your growth requirements.

Note: Only available in Canada East
