
  • AminoBalanceTM technology for optimal fish nutrition
  • Formulated for saltwater trout production
  • Low phosphorus output

Orient is Skretting's global name for trout diets. Orient SW is formulated for fast growth and low FCR, and is designed to minimise the fat belching that can occur when high-energy trout diets are used in saltwater.

Orient SW's advanced formulation is designed to minimise the separation of nutrients during gastrointestinal

transit and subsequently minimise nutrient loss through fat belching. Use of this high-energy diet in conjunction with its anti-belch properties, will result in improved feed conversion ratios relative to traditional trout diets.

Similar to all Orient Diets, Orient SW is based on the following principles:

  • Formulated using the latest nutritional knowledge developed by the Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre.
  • AminoBalanced to provide improved utilisation, therefore using more of the consumed protein for muscle growth.
  • Skretting's AminoBalanceTM also helps promote excellent carcass quality.
  • Manufactured using extrusion processing that gelatinises the starch, resulting in a more digestible, more durable, and slower sinking pellet for excellent feces stability and improved water quality.
  • Contains an enhanced vitamin pack to help ensure all nutritional requirements are met.

Note: Only available in Eastern Canada

Rainbow trout