How is Skretting contributing to feeding a growing global population? 

Skretting delivers safe and sustainable feeds and services worldwide to fish and shrimp farmers to ensure the responsible production of healthy and delicious food. We are focused on reducing our environmental footprint and increasing our positive social impact.  

As a global society, we are around 7.5 billion people heading towards 9.5 billion by 2050. Not only does this present the problem of an additional 2 billion mouths to feed, human diets are also increasingly shifting in line with growing prosperity. Consequently, the forecast that current global agriculture production needs to almost double by the midway point of this century makes long-term food and nutrient security one of the most pressing challenges that we face today. 

Circular woods

Protein farming for the future

As the world’s most efficient protein generator, aquaculture is one of the most important long-term growth areas for food production. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), aquaculture continues to grow faster than any other major food sector and by 2030 is expected to provide over 60% of the fish available for human consumption.

Aquaculture is capable of producing large volumes of high-quality, healthy and traceable seafood. In comparison with terrestrial livestock farming, the industry has low carbon footprint and feed conversion ratio (FCR); it also has high protein and energy retention, and harvested edible yield compared to other centre-plate proteins. This makes it a strong model for how protein should be farmed in the future. However, aquaculture cannot grow without sustainable feed.

Read our latest sustainability report to learn more


Skretting's purpose is 'Feeding the Future', and we are committed to supporting the growth of the aquaculture industry as the world population continues to grow. Skretting delivers safe and sustainable feeds and services worldwide to fish and shrimp farmers to ensure the responsible production of healthy and delicious fish and shrimp. Aquaculture has tremendous potential to grow, and already provides more than 50% of the seafood we eat. Globally, Skretting contributed to producing 22 million seafood meals every day in 2022. 

 Learn more

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Nigeria catfish project

Growth in Africa

Over half of global population growth in the coming years is likely to occur in Africa. Skretting is actively supporting the growth of the aquaculture industry in Africa, and is committed to ensuring that safe, high quality and sustainable feeds and seafood are available for the world. 

An example of how Skretting is actively contributing is through our Community Development Projects in Nigeria and Zambia. These projects are about empowering small-scale farmers to run productive and profitable farms in a sustainable way, through support and education in the initial phases. 

Read our latest sustainabilty report to learn more

Sustainable ingredients

Our consistent and ever-evolving R&D efforts ensure that we are also minimising our use of finite raw materials, such as fish meal and fish oil. In fact, in 2017, we launched a concept proving that a salmon can be grown from 1kg to harvest using zero fish meal or fish oil.

The MicroBalance concept was launched in 2010 when we were first able to reduce fish meal in our feeds without negatively impacting the health and performance of the fish, and continues to be pivotal in expanding our knowledge in other species.  

About MicroBalance



Why choose farmed over wild fish?
Are farmed fish and shrimp healthy to eat?
Do salmon and trout feeds contain colouring?
What ingredients are in Skretting feeds?
Are the raw materials that Skretting uses in its feeds responsibly sourced?
Do feeds contain chemicals or preservatives dangerous to human health?
Are the animal by-products used in aquaculture feeds dangerous to human health?
Do feeds contain growth hormones or antibiotics?
What are fish meal and fish oil, and why are they used in aquaculture feeds?
Is low fish meal/fish oil content in feeds harmful to fish and shrimp?
Does Skretting use novel ingredients in its feeds?
What is ethoxyquin and is it safe?
Are circular economy principles applied to aquaculture feeds?
Is aquaculture sustainable?
Is aquaculture controlled?
Why is aquaculture important?
Why do aquaculture species grow quickly?
Are farms healthy environments for producing fish and shrimp?
How much wild fish is needed to feed farmed fish?
Are Skretting feeds sustainable?
Is it safe to eat farmed fish and shrimp?
How is Skretting contributing to feeding a growing global population?
Is one feed sufficient for all aquaculture species?
How much feed is needed to grow a farmed fish?
Can efficient feed management help improve the sustainability of aquaculture?