Feed for aquaculture

Innovative solutions for your species

Skretting has consistently developed innovative and sustainable feed products and solutions for aquaculture that, over time, have evolved into production standards. Skretting feeds wholly meet the nutritional requirements of fish and shrimp throughout their lifecycle. Below, you can find a selection of our global product portfolio.

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GEMMA for sole

The GEMMA range of products has been specifically formulated and developed to facilitate the weaning and pre-growing of marine fish larvae and juveniles.

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Our services

AquaSim app in hand

Digital Innovation: our journey in precision farming

For 125 years, Skretting has been at the forefront of aquaculture, not just as a feed producer, but as a pioneer in digital innovation.

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Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) - an innovation in aquafeed production

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an accurate and rapid analysis method that is well suited for quantitative determination of nutrients in feed ingredients and feed.

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Tracking and tracing illustration

How we work with transparency and trust

For us in Skretting, it's essential to increase the transparency and traceability of food production along the supply chain. Our feed to food quality and safety system ensures that our customers and end consumers can have full confidence with regard to our feeds. Combining the latest technology and science with the dedication of our staff to produce the highest quality feed, we do our utmost to ensure that our business operations adhere to our own strict environmental guidelines. 

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