AquaVision 2024

AquaVision is the world’s premier aquaculture business conference, with a focused program touching the most relevant topics within the industry. AquaVision attracts a diverse range of stakeholders to Stavanger every two years. The conference, organised by Skretting and its parent company Nutreco since 1996, has established itself as an important meeting place for some 450 participants from more than 40 countries.

see AquaVison programme 

Paul Krugman

Keynote speaker

AquaVision 2024 keynote speaker: Paul Krugman. Krugman, a distinguished scholar and professor of Economics at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, is one of the world's most renowned economists. In 2008, Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to new trade theory and new economic geography. In addition to the Nobel Prize, Krugman's work in economics has earned him widespread recognition from the economic press and numerous prestigious awards.

About Paul Krugman

AquaVision 2024 hosts

Key themes

Seaweed close up

Acting towards a sustainable future

The world is grappling with climate change. Increased temperatures and variations in precipitation patterns have led to extreme weather events like draughts and floods, which pose severe threats to productivity within the aquacultural and agricultural industries. At the same time, these industries are facing increasing pressure to be transparent, and to control risk across their supply chains. AquaVision will discuss the actions needed to make the aquaculture industry more resilient, while accelerating growth in a way that is good for the planet and for our business. 

Fish fin and scales close up

Dealing with market disruptions in an ever-changing world 

The number of people suffering from acute food insecurity in the world grew 1.5 times between 2019 and 2022, as the war in Ukraine, supply chain disruptions, and the economic consequences of COVID-19 pushed food prices to all-time highs. The growth in global food production is expected to slow though, due to factors such as demographic trends, geopolitical tensions, price volatility and rising trade barriers. AquaVision will discuss how the industry should address these issues in the search for new pathways to feed the world’s population. 


Beyond tomorrow

Artificial intelligence is increasingly infiltrating our lives and the ways we work, but entrepreneurs and innovators will remain the pioneers who take aquaculture into new and uncharted territory. We need their groundbreaking concepts to open up new areas for sustainable food production. AquaVision will showcase cutting-edge technology with the potential to accelerate transformational change within the industry. 


Stavanger Konserthus


AquaVision 2024 was held in spectacular surroundings in Stavanger, Norway.

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David Blakemore

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AquaVision 2022 audience


Monday 10 - Wednesday 12 June 2024, Stavanger, Norway

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AquaVision 2024 was sponsored by

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