Digital solutions to enable precision farming

Import/Export Actuals

This module is used to update actual data for a production group by exporting and importing an Excel file. There are 3 tabs: export, import and logging.


First, select one or all of the sites and units from the drop down menu. Then choose the start and end date of the export. If more than one unit is selected, the time range cannot be more than 30 days. At last, click 'export' button so the Excel file will be exported to your local machine.


In the exported Excel file, you can add and edit the actual data and import them back to AquaSim. Blank cell will be treated as no input, so you need to put ‘0’ if necessary, for example when there is no mortality or feed amount for specific days. For the same reason, you cannot remove the data input by deleting the content in Excel file. To delete data, you need to go to ‘Actuals’ module. Remember to save the file but do not to change the name of the excel file. Last, click 'Select file' and then 'Upload file' to import the file to AquaSim.

Import status emails

After uploading the file, you will receive two emails. The first one will inform that your file is being imported and you will receive another email as soon as processing has finished.

When the file is successfully imported, you will receive an email about AquaSim import status. If everything goes well, the status is the file has been imported without errors.

If there is any errors in the imported file, for example invalid parameter values, the status will be the file has been imported with errors, and the details of the errors are included in the email. These errors will not be imported to AquaSim. You can also check the logging tab for the details.


The logging tab shows an overview of the export and import activities. It provides the information of site and unit involved, time, user and status. Users can download the exported and imported files and view the details of the import error as well.