Digital solutions to enable precision farming

Simulation graphs

This module offers quick and clear overview of the effects of simulation updates on the production group and thus help users make better decision for performance improvement and more accurate forecast.

There are 3 types of simulation graphs: temperature & growth, number in & mortality, and daily feed amount. They are based on the data generated from the settings in My Site as well as the updates in simulation. There are two types of lines in graphs: forecast and adjusted. The forecast lines use the data from base simulation, which is based on the setup in 'My site' module; while the adjusted lines use the data from updated simulation.

Temperature & growth graph

In the graph, the forecast lines use the data from base simulation, which is based on the setup in Mysite; while the adjusted lines use the data from updated simulation. For temperature, the forecast shows the temperature based on temperature profile chosen in My Site, and temperature (adjusted) shows the adjustment of temperature in updated simulation.

Growth will be influenced by any changes of RGI, feed type, ration, temperature and other environmental parameters in updated simulation. For example, when you make RGI higher in simulation, growth will be better. The effect from feed type is through feed RGI, so it will also influence growth.

Number in & mortality graph

This graph is based on mortality and harvest simulation. The forecast lines are based on the mortality percentage set up in MySite while the adjusted line reflect the input of harvest simulation and the updates of daily mortality number or percentage in the mortality simulation

Daily feed amount graph

This graph is influenced by the changes in all types of simulation, because all types of simulation except FCI affect biomass through either weight or number of the animals. RGI, feed type, ration, temperature and other environmental parameters will influence growth, which also means weight; while mortality and harvest affects number in. So all these factors will have an effect on biomass. FCI, on the other hand, affects feed conversion, so it would influence daily feed amount as well.