Do feeds contain chemicals or preservatives dangerous to human health? 

No. Aquaculture feeds are subject to strict checks to ensure that they do not pose any threat to human health. Any preservatives used must comply with laws and regulations governing their use.  

As we take potential contamination of our feeds very seriously, Skretting has a global, comprehensive feed and food quality programme whereby we monitor for unwanted substances in both raw materials and feeds.   

The animal feed industry is subject to extremely strict limitations in order to ensure that feed is not dangerous to animal or human health, or to the environment. In aquaculture, feeds are closely controlled in terms of raw materials, production conditions and other additives (including preservatives) that may be used to make the fish or shrimp safer from health and hygiene perspectives, and to improve other characteristics.  

The preservatives used in feed are the same as those used in the majority of products destined for human consumption. As such, they are subject to thorough safety assessments before being distributed. To ensure an independent, science-based approach, these assessments usually fall within the competence of national and federal agencies like the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Food and Drug Administration in the United States.  

Read more about our strict monitoring and controls

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